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Promotional Videos: Facts vs Emotions pt.1

You saw an unfulfilled need and came up with this amazing product to address it. You fought hard to make your vision a reality, and now you’re ready to launch your product to the market. The next logical step is to let everyone know about all the great features that make your newest creation unique, and one of the ways that we do that is by producing a show-stopping video telling the story of your product.

At this point you would be tempted to ask for a video focused on listing the facts about your product (a laundry list of specs and some slow-motion closeups for good measure), and that is an acceptable way to go about promoting your invention, but it is far from the most effective one. As much as we like to think of ourselves as rational beings, our decision making process is influenced by emotions way more than we realize.

The truth is that knowledge of the facts does not change behavior and have little sway in changing our minds about a topic. You know that you should exercise more often and eat your veggies. You know that eating a pint of chocolate ice cream is not such a good idea, and as much as I love pizza, eating half a pie won't help me reach my weight loss goal. We know all that, and yet we still drag our feet. If we want to elicit change, emotions is where it’s at.

If you want people to buy what you are selling we have to make them care, we have to make them feel something, and storytelling is one of the most powerful tools to do that. Taking people on an emotional journey every time I tell a story is the reason why I picked up a camera in the first place, and it’s a passion that we all share here at The Videology Company. In the second part of this series we will talk about how telling the story of your product, and the “why” behind it, is a much better way to develop an emotional connection with your audience. Thank you for reading, we’ll meet again in part 2.

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