Producing a New England Journal of Medicine Article
One of out medical advisers approached us a few months ago trying to complete an NEJM article for submission, it had been months of since he started and he was more than ready to get it in the can.
We jumped on the opportunity right away, this became a perfect chance to show what we can do when it comes to education. We went far and beyond with the animation (compared to many articles) and the didactic pacing of the video.
Educational videos are of great interest to us as filmmakers, they will eventually become the new classroom in some cases, the possibilities are endless and the fact that you can re watch a lesson over and over again comes quite handy.
I always compare a well-produced educational video to a well lit classroom with a properly dressed and eloquent teacher.
We are waiting for the journal to approve the article as soon as we get the green light we’ll be able to share it with you all, we are really proud of the final outcome. In the meantime we’re getting ready to produce a very important PSA for the Boston Public Health Commission in a few weeks.